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Sisterhood Tikun Olam

Shaarey Zedek Sisterhood is proud to support Willow Place, a women’s and children’s emergency centre in Winnipeg. So often courageous women and children come to Willow Place with nothing but the clothes on their backs. There are over 40 kinds of items they need on an ongoing basis. Visit the Willow Place website for a complete list and for drop-off information. 


Sisterhood is collecting items and donations for Willow Place as part of a social action project initiated by Intercontinental Region of Women’s League for Conservative Judaism (WLCJ).
Please consider participating in this worthwhile project.
We are accepting monetary donations as well as the following items:

  • Diaper Wipes, Baby Powder, Baby Shampoo, Diaper Cream
  • Baby Blankets, Bibs, Bottles, Teething Toys, Infant Toys
  • Diapers (any size), Swimmers and Training Pants (pull-ups)
  • Infant Wash Cloths and Burp Pads
  • Baby Foods: Jars, Squeeze Packages, Dry Cereal, Crackers and Cookies
  • Infant Onesies (short and long), Socks, Hats

A bin is set up at Temple Shalom for you to drop items off. The project will end June 30, 2024.
Contact: Gloria Cantor, leave a message at SZ 204-452-3711 or email to make your donation.

Thank You Sincerely,
SZ Sisterhood
Sandy Polanski, Louise Raber and Gloria Cantor

Sat, 27 July 2024 21 Tammuz 5784